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Please donate
Your support will help us in organizing the events most successfully. As Matri Mandir is a non-profit registered organization, you can adjust your donation with tax return.
Please click the following ‘Donate’ button to donate with PayPal or with cards.

In case you want to transfer directly from your bank, please use the following bank details of Matri Mandir.
Account holder: Matri Mandir Kulturverein e.V.
Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE28701500001003814447
Membership …
Please become member of Matri Mandir Kulturverein e.V., and thereby take part actively.
Membership form: download

(Sprache auswählen: Deutsch English)
Important Links
Durgapuja 2023
Kalipuja and diwali 2023
Facebook: Matri Mandir Munich…
Surya Namaskar Marathon…
Durgapuja Venue…
Durgapuja Flyer…