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Registration is needed for organizing the festival in the optimum way

We are working extensively to finalize the REGISTRATION tool, guidelines and process, for the sake of a secure, congenial and smooth environment in celebrating the Durgapuja festivity . Please stay with us for the updates. The registration link will be open soon, latest by 4th Oct. You support is highly appreciated.

Wir arbeiten intensiv an der Fertigstellung des REGISTRIERUNGS-Tools und -Prozesses, um eine sichere, angenehme und reibungslose Umgebung für die Feier des Durgapuja-Festes zu schaffen. Bitte bleiben Sie für die Updates bei uns. Der Registrierungslink wird in Kürze, spätestens bis 4. Okt. freigeschaltet. Wir bedanken uns rechtherzlich für Ihre Unterstützung.

Please check the Registration Guidelines below and detail Durgapuja Schedule. Your careful and supportive registration can give others the chance to get the blessings of Goddess Durga and celebrate the festivity. Let us stay one for another, let’s make room for others. Registration LINK (…..will be here open tonight…..)

Registration guidelines for visitors from Munich & around: you can come everyday to the Durgapuja of Matri Mandir, however, please book your time slots distributed over five days, i.e., better not same time slots everyday and better not more than two slots on each day. This is suggested for the first phase of the registration giving everyone the equal chance.

Registration guidelines for visitors from outside Munich: you can choose more than two slots on each day.

Important before you register:
(1) Each time slot you want to visit must be booked individually. For example, if you wish to visit 3 days, where on the first day you wish two slots, second day 1 slot and third day 2 slots, respetively, then you have to book 5 individual slots.
(2) The registration confirmation may take upto 24 hours.
(3) In case of any query and special wishes, please email to
(4) Please check the details of Durgapuja Schedule and Programs as well before you register:

DURGAPUJA 2024 Registration Link ……

Important Links

Durgapuja registration
Kalipuja & Diwali

Facebook: Matri Mandir Munich…
Surya Namaskar Marathon…
Durgapuja Venue…
Durgapuja Flyer…